Harmful Sexual Behaviour Toolkit from The Lucy Faithfull Foundation

Posted: September 13, 2020

Research shows that around a third of child sexual offences in the UK are carried out by under 18s.

Covid-19 restrictions mean that many children have been spending more time unsupervised offline and online, so The Lucy Faithfull Foundation has made a toolkit to spread awareness of the signs of harmful sexual behaviour, and help adults take action to prevent abuse happening.

Harmful sexual behaviour (HSB) is a term used to describe sexual actions that are outside what is safe for a young person’s stage of development. It includes behaviours that can harm either the child or young person themselves, or another person.

The toolkit is suitable for parents, carers and professionals working with children. As well as support, advice and information, it has links to key organisations and helplines, resources about harmful sexual behaviour by children, tips about internet safety, advice about sexual development and preventing child sexual abuse.

You can download it here