
Our positive ethos and respectful, supportive relationships permeate everything we do at CBC; a number of children have been successful with us where they have failed to settle or be accommodated at any other provision.

“You and your team know your pupils very well. Staff invest considerable time in getting to know pupils, including the reasons they have been placed at the school. They have a strong understanding of the barriers pupils face to learning and achieving well.” (Ofsted, November 2017)

Of course, our students are all individuals – and we treat them as such, which is one factor of our success. Their background environments also vary widely; some have stable, loving homes, while others may experience considerable chaos in their personal lives. For all of our students we aim to provide a place of safety and reassurance.

“Detailed record keeping enables leaders and staff to build a thorough understanding of pupils’ needs and to identify swiftly those who are vulnerable to abuse or harm. All staff meet daily to discuss how best to support pupils’ progress and welfare. This contributes to a calm and orderly environment that is conducive to pupils’ learning and well-being.” (Ofsted, November 2017)

We continually monitor and revise our curriculum to deliver the best results for our students, providing a range of GCSE and vocational qualifications. We look to maximise academic accreditation for all activities so that our students can succeed in their next steps after leaving us.

“Alongside supporting pupils’ pastoral needs, leaders have successfully secured continuous improvements in the quality of teaching. Staff use their knowledge of pupils to plan activities that are well matched to their abilities. Pupils attempt interesting tasks that typically help them to make good gains in their skills and knowledge. Similarly, pupils work hard because staff have high expectations of what they can achieve, including what they wish to do when they leave school.” (Ofsted, November 2017)

We work with children – at a crucial period in their lives – to develop the qualities of independence, resourcefulness and determination which will serve them well as they progress into adulthood. We look to serve our students, locality, and the wider community – and to inculcate this ethos of becoming a contributing member of society in the young people in our care.

“Leaders and staff work effectively and are committed to ensuring that pupils achieve their best. Staff are patient and empathetic. This helps pupils to feel secure and inspires them to learn. The school’s caring and supportive ethos was evident in the many letters of thanks from former pupils and their parents and carers.” (Ofsted, November 2017)